Just five days until the beginning of my rolling sabbatical across
America. Will sample 22 states in 30 days. I'll take time to stop and
chat with the natives, take some photos, and celebrate the freedom and
circumstances that make the trip possible.
The trip will be solo - just me - and Dieter of course, my 1972 Mercedes 350SL. A much-closer-to-60-than-50 man in a 40-year-old car. My Mercedes tech wizard son Aaron has made it as road worthy as possible, so I am very confident that the road trip will be uneventful in that regard.
The intent is to post to this blog as opportunity or inspiration dictates. I would say something ridiculous like twice daily, but that won't happen so I'll avoid the shackles of some schedule to post.
With that, we'll begin the final prep... more a bit later.
Happy Trails!