The day started out at 5:00AM, my originally planned departure time from Newcastle, WY. First thing noticed was the smell of gasoline and there was a pool of fuel at the back of the car.
So a wait for breakfast and advice from the ladies at Donna's Diner to take it to Rich's Automotive. Opens at 8:00. No luck, booked solid. However, the fine folks at the Chevy dealership got it in. Was the fuel pump. Fortunately, Aaron had stowed a spare among the parts I brought along. By 10:30 I was on the road.
The drive today was great, but I did not take many photos. Wyoming is a vast and diverse state. The drive from Newcastle to Casper was wide open spaces with a huge coal mine and quite a lot of oil production.
The drive up the Wind River was gorgeous, especially the contrast beween the irrigated agriculture and the rich browns of the cliffs and mountains.
Here is a picture.
Finally, about 6 hours late, I arrived in Grand Teton NP, just in time for this.
Sundown on the Tetons. One of the best things I've ever witnessed. Can't be captured by a camera. I did not move.
Wrapped up the day with Mexican food and drink,
More tommorrow.
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